Monday, May 12, 2008

Death at a Funeral, Directed by Frank Oz.

(Robert) Masseo Davis
April/ 5/ 2008
Death at a Funeral

Death at a Funeral, Directed by Frank Oz.

Rating: 4/5

Frank Oz, director of the film Death at a Funeral, has created a film that has been applauded as “A comedy to die for” Today Magazine, “Insanely Funny” Time, etc; However the film has not be recognized for one of it’s greatest traits. Oz’s film is an incredible character study.
It was great to see a film that deals with a lot of characters, in a short amount of time, while allowing for all the characters to be active participants to the films narrative.
The film also seems to utilize all of the films players in very crafty/ quirky ways. There is a man who is always stuck doing really awkward manual labor; every time there is something to be done he happens to be near enough to that area to be dragged into the situation. It’s a film of great movie magic and a fine example of verbal/ scenario based slapstick.
In conclusion, this is one of those movies for people who tend to enjoy crafty dark humor. If you find pleasure and humor in really awkward situations then this is the film for you. A word to the wise however is that to truly enjoy this film your brain has to function properly. It’s not a film strictly for academics just that you must somewhat intelligent to enjoy the film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice,
Thank you,
Bob marley Blanket